Welcome to R & C Consulting Group, Inc.

R & C Consulting Group, Inc. is the premier provider of structured outpatient substance abuse and mental illness treatment programs in North Carolina and South Carolina. As a local human services provider, RCCG offers an array of quality and innovative care to adults and children.

Your Access to Success

Dealing with a mental disorder and/or substance use issue is not easy. But with R & C Consulting Group, Inc., recovery is possible. We are your access to success.

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Do you have inquiries about a mental health topic? Submit a question for our mental health professionals.

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Send Your Referrals

Help others access the care they need by referring to our dedicated treatment programs, where recovery and support go hand in hand.

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We Are Committed Mission Making a Positive Impact

To improve and enhance the lives of those we touch with professional competence, affordability, and value in the community.

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