portrait of scared woman

Increasing community safety.

The Sex Offender Treatment Program provides individualized treatment for male and female, juvenile and adult, sex offenders. It follows the guidelines for the treatment of sex offenders.

Offending behavior includes child molestation; voyeurism; exhibitionism; frotteurism; public masturbation or lewd acts; rape and sexual assault; child pornography; obscene phone calls/letters; violations of professional boundaries; sexual harassment.

The Treatment Modality focuses on individual and family therapy. Therapy sessions are held weekly (45-50 minutes) with the client. The family component, with or without the patient present is held, when indicated, within the context of the patient’s individual treatment plan. Integration of the sex offender into the family is done according to the guidelines set forth in the Family Resolution Plan.

The duration of treatment is established by the patient’s referring agency.

The goals of treatment are:

  • Increased community safety through reduced risk of re-offenses.
  • Reparations to the victim(s) and community.
  • Improved capacity for a responsible lifestyle and healthier relationships.

What You Can Expect

  • Initial Evaluation
  • Assessment
    • Initial as regard current risk and reducing risk.
    • Periodic as regards compliance, polygraph when indicated, and strengths and weaknesses as regards to continuing risk to the community.
  • Diagnosis
  • Individual Treatment Plan
  • Collaboration with supervising officers, polygraph examiners, and other team members.
  • Medical referral and consultation with experienced health professionals when necessary or requested.
  • Affordable Fees – (NOTE: We accept insurance plans for treatment.)

Treatment Components

There are three primary aspects of the Sexual Offenders Treatment Program:

  • The client must develop full victim empathy. That is, the client must understand the depth and potential damage that their offending behavior has inflicted upon the victim.
  • The client must be fully accountable for all his/her offending behaviors and make full disclosure, no matter how minor the issue is, at the beginning of each therapy session.
  • The client must design a very careful and highly detailed sex offending relapse-prevention plan which will set up continuing treatment and recovery for a minimum of two to three years post-discharge from this program.

Treatment Focus

Typical issues addressed are: sex offender relapse prevention; victim impact awareness and empathy development; responsibility for one’s own actions; dealing with different emotions, such as anger, depression, arousal management, and urge control; substance abuse; own victim issues; conflicts with authority figures; social and relationship skills; sexuality, both normal and abnormal; sexual conflict; full disclosure of sexual offenses; identifying distorted thinking; medical evaluation relevant to conditions affecting treatment compliance and arousal control.

Family Resolution

Issues related to the impact on the family must be resolved as part of sex offender treatment. Family resolution may take many paths. Family disruption and family reunification are among the many possible outcomes. The specific course of treatment will depend on the family resolution pathway chosen by the family, the sex offender, and the representatives of the court.


Clients must know what information will and will not be communicated to others, how it will be communicated, and to whom it will be communicated. This is accomplished through the appropriate use of written waivers of confidentiality, and informed consent prior to commencing treatment.

Get In Touch

Recovery and change are possible. Contact us at 910-506-4018 to learn more about this program.

All our client information is protected under our HIPAA consent.